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In the beginning you should focus on resources. Just click the village_overview and choose one field out of the 18 resourcefields (lumber, clay, iron and crop).
Later in the game you'll have to option to build more advanced buildings which will be listed when you click an empty spot in your village.


The basis of your village are resources, you need them for simply everything, in Travian there are Lumber, Clay, Iron and Crop.
The resource are being produced at the village_overview resp. the resourcetiles there of which each village has 18. The first village has always 4 Woodcutters, 4 Clay pits, 4 Iron mines and 6 Croplands but other lands around your village may have other distributions.
In the beginning the resourcetiles are not extended (level 0 out of 10 for normal villages). Level 0 resourcetiles only produce 2 of the resource per hour. When you have enough resources in your warehouse you can extend your fields, by clicking on them. Something like this will appear:
Costs for the upgrading to level 1:
Directly beneath this is a link were you can actually give the order to upgrade the tile.
You can cancel this command by clicking the red X (Cancel) at the village_overview but you'll loose resources!

Village center

In the village center you see a number of building sites. Each can only be occupied by one building at a a time. Normally you can use any building site for any building but there are two exceptions, the rally point and the wall.
Furthermore every building except the cranny, the warehouse and the granary can only be built one time per village. Of the other three you can build as many as you like per village after you build at least one of the type to the maximum level.
The buildings have different uses which are of political, economic or militaric nature. In addition you have to fulfil certain prerequisites for each building before you can build them. What those prerequisites are can be seen at the building page or the building tree.
Be careful with the red X (Cancel), you won't get the costs fully refounded after canceling a construction order!

Building IDs

Building IDs (gid)
gid Building gid Building gid Building
1 Woodcutter - favágó 14 Tournament square - Gyakorlótér 27 Treasury - Kincstár
2 Clay pit - Agyagbány 15 Main building - Fõépület 28 Trade office - Kereskedelmi központ
3 Iron mine - vasbánya 16 Rally point - Gyülekezõtér 29 Great barracks - Nagy kaszárnya
4 Cropland - búzafarm 17 Marketplace - Piactér 30 Great stable - Nagy istálló
5 Sawmill - Fafeldolgozó 18 Embassy - Követség 31 City wall - Kõfal
6 Brickyard - Agyagégető 19 Barracks - Kaszárnya 32 Earth wall - Földfal
7 Iron foundry - Vasöntöde 20 Stable - Istálló 33 Palisade - Cölöpfal
8 Grain mill - Malom 21 Workshop - Műhely 34 Stonemason - Kőfaragó
9 Bakery - Pékség 22 Academy - Akadémia 35 Brewery - Sõrfõzõ
10 Warehouse - Raktár 23 Cranny - Rejtekhely 36 Trapper - Telepes
11 Granary - Magtár 24 Townhall - Tanácsháza 37 Hero's mansion - Hősök háza
12 Blacksmith - Fegyverkovács 25 Residence - Rezidencia
13 Armoury - Páncélkovács 26 Palace - Palota


A complete and clear diagram of all buildings and their prerequisites. Click it to view it completely. The marketplace needs a warehouse level 1 and a granary level 1 in T3!

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